Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Smiling Eyes

"Bring a smile to someone who is fighting cancer."

Non-profit organization for cancer patients

We are proud to announce that we are now a smiling eyes photographer. Smiling eyes is a wonderful non-profit organization photographing families fighting against cancer. This organization gives a cancer patient and their family or friends an opportunity to have a fun photo session to remember.

As a smiling eyes photographer & the smiling eyes organization does not charge anything for these photo sessions nor the DVD of your photo session for you to print that you will receive. We are absolutly non-profit and our time & talent is volenteer.

If you know someone who is fighting cancer and would like a fun, joyful photo session, have a look at the smiling eyes website and please request us as your prefered photographer.

"Bring a smile to someone fighting cancer."
Kristina & Brian

K&B Creative Photography

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Trash the Dress

We are looking for brides who would like to trash your dress.
Do you feel adventurous and creative? Splash in the water, lay on the beach in the sand, climb rocks, sit on something old or be absolutly crazy in your dress without having to worry about getting your dress dirty on your wedding day.

Several locations, complete photo shoot, password protected online gallery and print album of your complete session. You also recieve a comlpimetary 8x10 collage all completely FREE.

This complete session is NO charge to you & no obligation to purchase anything. We would like to be creative and adventurous with our bridal photo shoot and have fun!!!

If you would like to book your Trash the Dress session or would like more information and availibility dates. Send us an email or visit our webite for galleries.

Looking forward to hearing from brides of the past.

K&B Creative Photography

Itsy Bitsy Spider......
Little bitty spider early in the morning.